I finally finished the Shepherds Bush piece that was standing in the way of my start. Originally, I had chosen a 35ct linen that is positively gorgeous but once I did the floss toss, it just didn't work for me. So I swapped out the 35 ct for a 28ct blue Silkweaver piece that's been in my stash for ages. I'm much happier with the fabric (and going 1 over 1 is much easier this way) and this weekend was able to get a chunk of it done.
Saturday's stitching - I'd forgotten how small 1 over 1 is, thank goodness for a magnifier and the determination to count and stitch once because frogging this stuff is a pain. I did have to frog once and won't be doing that again.
Sunday, not as much done but I'm happy with where I am. I do have it on my quilt frame upside down but if you put the pattern upside down and cross all your x's the same way, it works just fine.
The fabric looks beautiful, and I had to frog already too and it is over (1). Not my favorite thing to do either