Monday, January 12, 2015

Finally started!

I finally finished the Shepherds Bush piece that was standing in the way of my start.  Originally, I had chosen a 35ct linen that is positively gorgeous but once I did the floss toss, it just didn't work for me.  So I swapped out the 35 ct for a 28ct blue Silkweaver piece that's been in my stash for ages.  I'm much happier with the fabric (and going 1 over 1 is much easier this way) and this weekend was able to get a chunk of it done.
Saturday's stitching - I'd forgotten how small 1 over 1 is, thank goodness for a magnifier and the determination to count and stitch once because frogging this stuff is a pain. I did have to frog once and won't be doing that again.

Sunday, not as much done but I'm happy with where I am.  I do have it on my quilt frame upside down but if you put the pattern upside down and cross all your x's the same way, it works just fine.

1 comment:

  1. The fabric looks beautiful, and I had to frog already too and it is over (1). Not my favorite thing to do either
